Articles & Interviews 2024

Biodiversity MAG #11 — Learning Coexistence

— Editorial ‘Shifting the mindset of conservation‘, by Azzedine T. Downes, President & CEO, International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW).

Interview with Dr David Manoa, Pride of Amboseli Programme Manager, Nairobi, Kenya.

Article by Melissa Matlow, Campaign Director at World Animal Protection, Canada.

Interview with Kristin Combs, Programme Director at Wyoming Wildlife Advocates, Wyoming, USA.

— Lisseth Boon, David Marcos Valverde, ‘Orinoco reptiles’ peculiar operation Morrocoy‘,, Venezuela.

Interview with Maria Fernanda Puerto Carillo, Founder Proyecto Sebraba, Venezuela.

‘The Newly Established Department of Wildlife Sciences and its Contributions to Conservation’, by Dr Aadil Kazi, Head of the Department of Wildlife Sciences at College of Forestry, Navsari Agricultural University, India.

Interview with Dr Frédéric Jiguet, French ornithologist and conservation biologist, professor at the ‘Muséum national d’histoire naturelle’ in Paris, France.

Interview with Raphaël Lambert, Head of Education and Conservation at Les Terres de Nataé, and Amélie Boulay, Communication and developpment officer at Trisk’Ailes, Brittany, France.

Interview with Lamya Essemlali, president Sea-Shepherd France.

— Jane Goodall Institute France, Young Researcher Award 2024.

News from the Team: RESQ Charitable Trust, India; Ecoflix, USA; Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue & Protection (LCRP), Liberia/USA; JACK Primate Sanctuary, DR Congo; Wildlife Rescue, India; Fundación Esfera, Venezuela; ACTAsia, UK; Conservation Trough Public Health, Uganda; Compassion in World Farming (CIWF), UK/International; International Otter Survival Fund, UK; Lwiro Primates Rehabilitation Center, DR Congo.

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Biodiversity MAG #10 — Humans, Animals & Biodiversity
The impact of the Russian Ecocide on Ukraine

Interview with Margot Wallström, former Swedish Foreign Affairs minister and head of the High-Level Working Group on the Environmental Consequences of the War in Ukraine.

Interview with Yuliia Ovchynnykova, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, Member of the delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Interview with Dr Jaco Cilliers, Representative UNDP in Ukraine.

Interview with Jojo Mehta, co-founder and Executive Director of Stop Ecocide International.

Interview with Drs Yegor Yakovlev & Maryna Shkvirya, zoologists, Save Wild & White Rock Bear Shelter, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Interview Dr Pavel Gol’din, Full Professor and Leading Researcher at Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine.

Interview with Dr Bohdan Vykhor, Executive Director WWF Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Interview with Dr Oleksandr Zinenko, Senior Researcher at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine.

Interview with Dr Oleksii Marushchak, researcher at I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Interview with Dr Roman Svitin, research scientist, Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine,  expert on amphibians and estuaries, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Interview with Olga Chevganiuk, head of the international department of UAnimals, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Interview with Anton Ptushkin, documentary filmmaker, « Us, our pets and the war », Kyiv, Ukraine.

Interview with Joshua Zeman, film director, « Checkpoint Zoo », New York, USA.

Regular contributors

— Editorial, ‘The Russian Ecocide in Ukraine‘, by Laurent Dingli.

— Philip Lymbery, Global CEO Compassion In Wolrd Farming (CIWF), ‘How transformative conservation begins with saving our soils‘.

— Azzedine T. Downes, President & CEO, International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), ‘Bird Conservation: Healing Nature With Music‘.

Biodiversity MAG #9 — Hunting, Animal Welfare and Biodiversity

Interview with Anja Hazekamp, MEP & Party for the Animals (Partij voor de Dieren), (NL)

Interview with Caroline Roose, MEP, Europe Ecologie les Verts (FR) [🇫🇷 Version française disponible].

Interview with Benoît Biteau, MEP, Europe Ecologie les Verts (FR) [🇫🇷 Version française disponible].

Interview with Dr Diederik van Liere, Institute for the Coexistence with Wildlife (NL)

Interview with Dr Robert Myslajek, University of Warsaw, vice-President Association for Nature ‘Wilk’ (PL)

Interview with Ariel Brunner, CEO BirdLife Europe & Central Asia, (B).

Interview with Yves Verilhac, former director Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO, FR) [🇫🇷 Version française disponible].

Interview with Christophe Coret, president and founder Agir pour le Vivant et les Espèces Sauvages (AVES, FR) [🇫🇷 Version française disponible].

Interview with Jean-Michel Bertrand, Wildlife photographer, film Director (FR) [🇫🇷 Version française disponible].

Interview with Corentin Esmieu, Wildlife Photographer (FR) [🇫🇷 Version française disponible].

Interview with Robbie Marsland, Director of Scotland and Northern Ireland League against cruel sports (UK)

Dr Joanna Swabe, Senior Director of Public Affairs, Humane Society International (HSI Europe)

Dr Mark Jones, Head of Policy, Born Free Foundation (UK)

Adeline Lerambert, International Policy Specialist, Born Free Foundation (UK)

Tanya Sanerib, U.S. based international environmental attorney, Center for Biological Diversity (USA)

Interview with Dr Michelle Lute, conservation & scientist, advocate, co-Executive Director Wildlife for All (USA)

Interview with Dr Adrian Treves, head of the Carnivore coexistence lab, University of Madison, adviser Project Coyote (Wisconsin, USA)

Kristina Snyder, NH citizens against recreational trapping (NH, USA)

Samatha Miller, Campaign Manager at Cats aren’t trophies (Colorado, USA)

Victoria Shroff, Animal Law Lawyer (Vancouver, BC, Canada)

Jake Rendle-Worthington, CEO Elephant CREW, Zimbabwe.

— Book Review by Drs Sian Sullivan & Laurent Dingli

— News from the Team: Denis Torres, ECOFLIX, ActASIA, Fundación Esfera, NWA, CBCGDF

Regular Contributors

Editorial, by Laurent Dingli