Biodiversity MAG #4 — Human-Elephant Conflict

? Edito by Dr Laurent Dingli
? Heidi Riddle, Vice-Chair, IUCN-SSC Asian Elephant Specialist Group, chair of the webinar, & Dr Manori Gunawardena, Wildlife Scientist, Country Representative for Born Free Foundation UK & Technical Advisor to the Sri Lanka Delegation to the CITES, ‘HEC in Sri Lanka‘
? Fidelicy Nyamukondiwa, member of the American Bar Association, Multnomah Bar Association & the Law Society of Zimbabwe, founding director for Fauna and Flora Zimbabwe (FaFloZim), ‘Zimbabwe: We must be proactive‘
? Dr Winnie Kiiru, Director of Government Relations at the Elephant Protection Initiative (EPI), elephant biologist & member of the IUCN African Elephant Specialist Group, ‘Mitigating Human Elephant Conflict: Amplifying African Voices to Enable Local Solutions‘
? Andy Merk & Nani Fouad, President and Secretary General Nature & Wildlife Foundation (NWA), Andy Merk & Nani Fouad, ‘Mitigating Human-Elephant Conflict in Asia”
? Ian Redmond OBE, tropical field biologist and conservationist, ambasador for the UN Convention on Migratory Species, Founder & Chair Ape Alliance, co-founder Ecoflix & Rebalance Earth, ‘Presentation speech on mitigating HEC in Africa‘.
? John Scanlon, CEO of the Elephant Protection Initiative Foundation, Chair of the Global Initiative to End Wildlife Crime, Chair of the UK Government’s Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund and a Trustee for the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, ‘Elephants, Biodiversity and Climate Change‘
? Dr Fabio Berzaghi, senior researcher at the World Maritime University, Lead Scientist at Rebalance Earth, scientific advisor for Blue Green Future, ‘Elephants, The forest engineers‘
? Dr Ralph Chami, Assistant Director, IMF. Financial Economist, Co-Founder, Blue Green World & Rebalance Earth, ‘What a living whale is worth?‘
? Interview with Dr Lee White, Minister of Water, Forests, the Sea and Environment of Gabon
? Interview with Dr Emma Bush, research scientist at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
? Interview with Vivek Menon, Founder & Executive Director Wildlife Trust of India, Chair of the IUCN Asian Elephant Specialist Group
? Interview with Upasana Ganguly, head of Elephant Corridors projects at Wildlife Trust of India
? Interview with Benson Kanyembo, Law Enforcement Advisor at CSL Zambia
? Interview with Julius Miyengo, Wildlife Police Officer, Department of National Parks and Wildlife, Zambia
? Interview with Isaac Garnet Phephelu, field ranger, Malawi
? Interview with Dr Monirul H. Khan, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Zoology at Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
? Romain Gary, ‘We need friends’, by Dr Laurent Dingli

Biodiversity MAG #3 — Bushmeat, Wildlife TRade in DR Congo

? Edito by Dr Laurent Dingli
? Iris Ho, Head of Campaigns and Policy for the Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA), & Dr Zhou Jinfeng, Secretary General CBCGDF, ‘Introduction speech‘
? Olivier Mushiete Nkole, Director General of the Congolese Institute for the Protection of Nature (Institut Congolais pour la Protection de la Nature — ICCN), ‘Presentation of the ICCN’s Work‘
? Franck Chantereau, Founder Jack Primate Sanctuary [Jeunes Animaux Confisqués au Katanga — JACK], ‘JACK Chimps Sanctuary‘
? Itsaso Vélez del Burgo Guinea, CEO Lwiro Primates Rehabilitation Center
? Adams Cassinga, Founder Conserv Congo
? Interview with Dr Theodore Trefon, “Bushmeat in Central Africa’
? Interview with Nyani Quarmyne, ‘Making Sense of the World‘
? Interview with Marie-Monique Robin, investigative journalist, writer and filmmaker, ‘Making Pandemics‘
? Dr Katherine Baxter, ‘Understanding Emerging Trends Towards Factory Farming and the Potential of Plant-Based Diets in Urban Kenya: A Mixed Method Research Study‘
? Interview with Dr Paul Luu, agricultural engineer, Executive Secretary Intinitiative 4 Per 1000, ‘Soil health: A challenge for climate and biodiversity‘
? Awairness raising campaign — Save Biodiversity — Save the Wild
Biodiversity MAG #2 — Food, Farming and One Health
? Edito by Dr Laurent Dingli
? Kayla Kuo, China Communication Director at ActASIA, ‘ACTAsia’s Compassionate Choices Network promotes Good Food‘
? Philip Lymbery, CEO Compassion in World Farming (CIWF), ‘One Health, One Welfare: How Protecting People Means Protecting Animals Too‘
? Jeff Zhou, China Chief Representative
Compassion in World Farming, ‘Change the current intensive farming system and build a sustainable future in China‘
? Wachira Benson Kariuki, Director at Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW) in charge of Policy and Public Affairs, ‘Presentation of ANAW’s Work‘
? James Lomax, food systems and agriculture adviser in UNEP’s ecosystems division, ‘For a sustainable food system
The UNEP approach‘
? Dr Zhou Jinfeng, Secretary General at China Biodiversity Conservation & Green Development (CBCGDF), ‘Biodiversity Conservation in our Neighborhood (BCON)
A practical way to live in harmony with Nature‘
? Linda Wong, Deputy Secretary General at China Biodiversity Conservation & Green Development (CBCGDF), ‘To Save Soil Biodiversity, Chinese Civil Society is in Action‘
? Dr Laurent Dingli, writer, historian, environmentalist, Founding President ICBT, Biodiversity MAG editor, ‘Drought and food insecurity – Brief Presentation‘
? Dr Richard Munang, Africa Regional Climate Change Coordinator at the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), ‘For an integrated approach to fight against
drought and food insecurity‘
? Dossier: Intensive Farming & Epidemics: a Headlong Rush 1. — Interview with Dr Serge Morand, ecologist and evolutionary biologist, specialist in parasitic ecology, research director at the CNRS and Montpellier University) and at the Faculty of Veterinary Technology, Kasetsart University, Thailand

? Dossier: Intensive Farming & Epidemics: a Headlong Rush — 2. Interview with Will Lowrey and Cheryl Leahy, respectively Legal Counsel & Executive Director Animal Outlook
? Six questions to Tanya Espinoza, Public Affairs Specialist for Wildlife Services — US Department of Agriculture — Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
? Avian Flu: A Never Ending Disaster — The French authorities overwhelmed by the outbreak. A L214’s investigation
Biodiversity MAG #1 — Renewable Energy & Biodiversity
? Edito by Dr Laurent Dingli
? Onshore Session – Presentation
? François Turrian, Deputy Director Birdlife Switzerland, Presentation
? Dr Sebastian Dunnett, nature scientist and IPBES biodiversity expert with a PhD in renewable energy and biodiversity, ‘Assessing potential spatial trade-offs between renewable energy expansion and biodiversity conservation‘
? Tris Allinson, Senior conservation scientist at BirdLife International, ‘Using sensitivity mapping to avoid conflict between birds and renewable energy‘
? Dr Rhiannon Niven, Global Policy Coordinator at BirdLIfe International, ‘Synergies for energy infrastructure and migratory bird species conservation: the need for multi-stakeholder collaboration & innovation‘
? Michael Whitby, Director Bats & Wind at Bat Conservation International, ‘The Battle Against Climate Change Includes Bat Conservation‘
? Offshore Session – Presentation
? Enora Tredan, Head of the MRE and Biodiversity Program at Ligue Pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO France), ‘How to ensure that climate mitigation, operated through the development of marine renewable energy is not done at the expense of biodiversity protection : an NGO’s perspective‘
? Carla Freund, Policy Officer for Nature friendly energy transition at Naturschutz Bund Deutschland (NABU), ‘How to reconcile biodiversity and climate mitigation objectives with reference to offshore developments — An NGO’s perspective‘
? Lamya Essemlali, President Sea Shepherd France co-director Sea Shepherd Global, ‘Winds of Wrath: Campaign to Protect Brittany’s Coast‘
? Catherine Kelham, Senior Marine Conservation Planner at RSPB Scotland, ‘Nature Positive Offshore Wind‘